Secondary Adolescent Care Worker Appointments

Appointments with Ms. Emily Mallett

Ms. Emily Mallett is the Adolescent Care Worker here at Granite Ridge Education Centre. She provides support to students who are experiencing socialemotional and mental health concerns that may be interfering with  their academic success. Emily acts as a student advocate and mentor; and also as a mediator for students who are experiencing difficulties with their peers. She provides support through individual and group counselling programs. Emily is the liaison between the school and several outside agencies. 

Students can arrange an appointment by going to Student Services and Ms. Peters will book you an appointment. Students can also use the QR Code on the posters throughout the school to book an appointment themselves.

Emily's time is shared with another school and therefore she may not always be in the building. If students need to speak with someone immediately and Emily is not a
vailable, please go to Student Services and ask for Ms. Steele-Drew or Ms. Rose.

Emily's office is located on the first floor in Student Services.