School Volunteers

Parent, guardian and community volunteers play an essential role in our school communities. We welcome the participation of volunteers who bring a wide range of talents and skills to school life that enrich and support both students and staff.

Board policy states that people wishing to volunteer are required to complete a mandatory screening process that includes a police criminal record check, sometimes better known as a CPIC. This excludes guest speakers or presenters but does include parents/guardians attending school field trips who will be assuming supervision responsibilities for students. Where, at the request of the principal, a parent/guardian is participating on a field to attend to the needs of their child, a CPIC may not be required (a condition of this situation must be that this parent is never alone with children other than their own). In this case, an offense declaration would be acceptable. These situations must be discussed in advance with the school principal.

CPICs must be updated and approved every three years. During interim years, volunteers must complete the annual Offence Declaration Form. Volunteers are encouraged to complete their CPIC application forms early in the school year, as there may be a waiting period involved with the processing and approval. Currently, there is variability on whether or not school volunteers are charged for the police criminal record check.

Kingston Police offers an automated online system for submitting your CPIC for approval. 

Ontario Provincial Police requires you to download the form and then take it to your nearest OPP Detachment for approval.

You may also obtain copies of the applications from your school.

All volunteers are required to sign in and out of the office as do all school visitors. You may be asked to wear a visitor pass while in the school.